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Finding out your life is about to change in a big way!

The day I found out I was pregnant was amazing. I felt beyond excited and immensely nervous too. I didn't sleep a wink that night tossing and turning thinking about all the great things to come... oh but hang on I suddenly had a burning desire to book a blow out weekend to Ibiza, to run another marathon, to drink a gallon of wine! Once the initial shock of 'my life is changing in a very big way' and I came back down to earth I realised that all of those things could wait and would be waiting for me after the baby is here. Plus I was about to embark on a whole new journey of fun.

We found out I was pregnant at Gatwick airport after returning from the most amazing holiday in St Lucia. We had a wonderful time, water skiing, zip lining through the rainforest, jet skiing, massages... the lot. I had no idea I was in fact five weeks pregnant already! Well this baby had a bit of a rock and roll start!

Excited for the new adventure, the new beginnings and having a baby with the love of my life. To the future!

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