The domestic goddess in me is loving whizzing up every vegetable/fruit I can get my hands on and taking great pleasure in watching Amelie's taste buds explode at every new texture and taste.
To my shock she turns her nose up at a strawberry but gobbles up spoonfuls of spinach! She certainly isn't shy with food and has a wonderful appetite.
Although I do love making my own concoctions of mashed up recipes with a little help from my Annabel Karmel book... Ella's Kitchen has absolutely nailed it! Being a working mum constantly on the go I sought out for a healthy convenient alternative to homemade for when we are out and about.

Ella's Kitchen saved the day, they have managed to make baby food not only edible, organic, healthy but somehow very cool! Every parent, grandparent, carer knows Ella's Kitchen, you only have to take a look around a hot spot for families and there will be at least one bubs being fed these yummy meals. Amelie actually now gets excited at the bright packaging and opens her mouth in eager anticipation. I promise this is not an advert and I truly mean it!
My freezer is no longer packed with ice and frozen cocktails but is a world of mash filled with mini pots of pureed vegetables.. oh how times have changed!
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